Sharing The Good News

Sharing The Good News

Sharing The Good News. It is not right when you have the good news and you fail to share it. 2 Kings 7:3 NLT. When Jesus came to the world there were many problems, of all the problems He chose to solve just one and that was the condition of the human heart. The major problem man has is not political, economic or sociocultural it is sin. Jesus came to save us from the main problem we have and that is sin. For those of us who have experienced Jesus and have come into His fold, we have experienced a transformation of our life and God expects us to go into the world and share the good news.

The quality of our world cannot be better than the quality of man. The Gospel is God’s solution to our sin problem, we sinned against God and that had a price but Christ came to pay the price of our sins. In Matthew 4:19 Jesus said, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” Following Christ gives us the capacity to influence men and the greatest assignment we have here on earth is to influence people for God. We are all missionaries, your mission field is  your office, your business, your school. God is counting on you and I to share the good news. God wants us to take initiative and preach the gospel, we have experienced the love of God and now it’s time to go and show it to the world.